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Displaying 7121-7130 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
4220Wadi HamilehsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownpoor שלמ ענמו בר כלבו / שלמ פר...בר ע.א... / שלמ גרמ]אלב[עלי בר חייו View
4476pillar C8, Church of the NativityArabic inscriptionscratchedpoor Transcription Not Published View
5244unknown, Sinaicrosses alonescratchedpoor Transcription Not Published View
5756Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
6780Vale of Elijah, Jebel Musagraniteunidentified inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
7804Wadi IslagraniteNabatean inscriptionunknownpoorfragmentעבדו View
8316Wadi HaggagsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
8572Tombs, southeast of the KinneretGreek inscriptionscratchedpoorscratched over a loculus and marked with red paintΠΛΡΘΕΝΙΕ View
381peak grotto, Jebel Musagraniteunidentified inscriptionscratchedpoorperhaps SyriacTranscription Not Published View
1149pillar C4, Church of the NativityArabic inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View