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Displaying 2851-2860 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
6580Entrance 1, Church of the Holy Sepulchrecrosses aloneincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View
6836Entrance 5, Church of the Holy Sepulchrecrosses aloneincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
8116Monastery of the Cross, JerusalemArabic inscriptionincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
8372‘OvdatlimestoneGreek inscriptionincisedpoorabbreviation mark above "KE"; located on pillar in northern churchTranscription Not Published View
437Ghadhayyat 1, Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstoneunidentified inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
693Wadi Sreij, ascent, Wadi Sreijvaried crossesincisedgoodnumerous forked crossesTranscription Not Published View
949Bir Abu Sueira, A-TorlimestoneGreek inscriptionincisedfairmonogram; abbreviation of I[E:SOY]S K+[RISTO]STranscription Not Published View
1461Wadi IqnasandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedexcellent גרמאלבעלי בר ואלת בר עמיו שלמ View
1717rock 3, Wadi HaggagsandstoneGreek inscriptionincisedgood ΜΝΗΣΘΗ / AΛAΦAΛΛA / AΣAΔΟΥ View
4789Jebel Muneijat FgraniteNabatean inscriptionincisedgood Transcription Not Published View