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Displaying 4141-4150 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
7411Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstoneunidentified signspunchedpoorvarious unclear drawingsTranscription Not Published View
5368unknown, SinaiOld North Arabic inscriptionpunchedpoor Transcription Not Published View
7420Nahal Ovdat 2, Nahal Ovdatlimestoneunidentified signspunchedpoorcircleTranscription Not Published View
7423Nahal Ovdat 1, Nahal Ovdatlimestone, brown patinaed rockunidentified inscriptionpunchedgood Transcription Not Published15 x 6 cm.View
899Wadi Magharasandstonerock drawingreliefgoodEgyptian familyTranscription Not Published View
8331Mamshitlimestoneencircled crossesreliefgoodarchitectural ornamentTranscription Not Published View
690Wadi Magharasandstonerock drawingreliefgoodtableau of one man striking another who is drawing a bow, two men bearing weapons, and a fifth carrying a bowTranscription Not Published View
691Wadi MagharasandstoneEgyptian hieroglyphsreliefgood Transcription Not Published View
8371‘Ovdatlimestonevaried crossesreliefpoorlocated on floor of churchTranscription Not Published View
696Wadi Magharasandstonerock drawingreliefexcellentfragmentary Egyptian reliefTranscription Not Published View