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Displaying 4081-4090 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
203peak mosque, Jebel Musagranite blocksArmenian inscriptionscratchedfairL.1: ?x14 cm. L.2: ?x18 cm.ՇՄԱՒՈՆ / ՏԻՏՈՍ ԱՄ5 x 18 cm.View
8540peak chapel, Jebel Musagranite blocksGreek inscriptionincisedfair ΩΦΣ ΘΣ ΕΝ Τ[Ο]Υ / ΤΩΠ[ΟΥ Τ]ΟΥΤΟ / ΜΝ[Η]ΣΘΕΤΙ / ΤΟΝ ΥΣΥΧΙ[Ο]Υ View
79Santa KatarinagraniteArmenian inscriptionincisedfair ԿԱՍՊԱՐ ՅԻՇ[ԵԱ]1.2 x 15.5 cm.View
80Santa KatarinagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedfair ՍԻՄԷ[Ո]Ն View
118Santa Katarinagranitevaried crossesincisedgood Transcription Not Published View
163Leja 1, Wadi LejagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedgood ԴԱ / ՒԻԹ10 x 21 cm.View
164Leja 1, Wadi Lejagranitecrosses with inscriptionscratchedgoodThere is one cross before the letter d.Transcription Not Published View
167Leja 3, Wadi LejagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedpoorL.1: 9x40 cm.; L.2: 9x11 cm.ՏԵՍԱ / ԷՂ18 x 40 cm.View
168Leja 3, Wadi Lejagranitecrosses with inscriptionscratchedgoodOne cross precedes the inscription.Transcription Not Published10 x ? cm.View
169Leja 4, Wadi LejagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedpoor Յ[ԱԿ]ՈԲ6 x 20 cm.View