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Displaying 3761-3770 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
7408Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstonerock drawingincisedgoodsmall boatTranscription Not Published View
7409Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstonecrosses aloneincisedpooruncertainTranscription Not Published View
7410Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneEgyptian hieroglyphsincisedgoodnine columns within a frameTranscription Not Published View
7411Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstoneunidentified signspunchedpoorvarious unclear drawingsTranscription Not Published View
7412Wadi Abu Ghadhayyatsandstonerock drawingincisedpoorship with mast and crewTranscription Not Published View
7742Ghadhayyat 7, Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownfair שלמ חרי]שו[ View
7743Ghadhayyat 7, Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownpoor ...אתמו חרישו View
7744Ghadhayyat 7, Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownpoor ]ד[כיר / אל...ו / שלמ גרמ... View
7745Ghadhayyat 7, Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownpoor שלמ עמיו בר ... / שלמ עודו בר א... View
7746Ghadhayyat 7, Wadi Abu GhadhayyatsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownpoor שלמ .לאל. בטב אב...אל.ו / שלמ ואלו בר .ו שלמ בר .... View