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Displaying 2211-2220 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
208peak behind mosque, Jebel Musagranitecrosses with inscriptionscratchedgood Transcription Not Published View
373peak behind mosque, Jebel Musagranitecrosses with inscriptionscratchedfaircross following insc. 204Transcription Not Published View
8540peak chapel, Jebel Musagranite blocksGreek inscriptionincisedfair ΩΦΣ ΘΣ ΕΝ Τ[Ο]Υ / ΤΩΠ[ΟΥ Τ]ΟΥΤΟ / ΜΝ[Η]ΣΘΕΤΙ / ΤΟΝ ΥΣΥΧΙ[Ο]Υ View
178peak flat rock, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedexcellentL.1:5.5-9x38 cm.; L.2: 5.5-9x50 cm.; L.3: 11x18 cm.%Bogharian, SION 40 (1966) p. 538-539.ՏԱՒԻԼ ՄԱՐՏԻՐՈՍ / ՏՕՆԱԿԱՆ Ա[ՍՏՈՒԱ]ԾԱՏՈՒՐ / ՋԺԲ20 x 50 cm.View
179peak flat rock, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedexcellentL.1:10x49 cm.; L.2: 12x19 cm.; L.3:5x13 cm.ՏՐ ԱԾ ՅԻՇԵ / Ա / ԹՈՐՈՍ27 x 49 cm.View
180peak flat rock, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedfairL.1: 9.5x52 cm.; L.2: 7x42 cm.ԳՐԻԳՈՐ / ԵՂԻՍ[Է] / Վ16.5 x 52 cm.View
186peak grotto, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionscratchedgoodIt is not certain that the inscription has been preserved completely.ՏԱՂԱՆ ԹՈՄ2.5 x 33 cm.View
187peak grotto, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionincisedgoodL.1: 1x27 cm.; L.2: 1x35 cm.ՏՐ ՈՂՈՐՄԵԱՑ / ԿԱՄԷՂԻ ԵՒ ԽՈԴԷԳՈՍԻ2 x 35 cm.View
188peak grotto, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionincisedgoodL.2: 2x36 cm.; L.3: 2x35 cm.; L.4: 3x35 cm.; L.5 3x36 cm. %D.O.P. 1966 pl.13-14ՏՐ ՅՍ / ՈՂՈՐՄ ԵԱՑ / ԿԼԵՄԱՅ ԵՂԻԱԲԱ / ՏԻՐԱՆԱՅ ԵՂԻՇԱԻ / ԱՆԱՏՈՂՈՅ ՀԱԲԵՂԻ5 x 36 cm.View
189peak grotto, Jebel MusagraniteArmenian inscriptionincisedgood ՎԱՐԱԶԴՈՒԽ[Տ]2 x 45.1 cm.View