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Displaying 3791-3800 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
8658Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaArmenian inscriptionunknownunknownepitaph of an abbess of a convent on the Mount of OlivesTranscription Not Published View
8661Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaGreek inscriptionincisedunknownossuary with Greek and Hebrew inscriptionsTranscription Not Published View
8662Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaGreek inscriptionincisedpoorossuary with cursive Greek epitaphTranscription Not Published View
8663Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaHebrew inscriptionincisedunknownossuary with Hebrew inscription in early square characters; the name of Jesus is twice repeated, followed by an indecipherable patronymicTranscription Not Published View
8669Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaHebrew inscriptionincisedunknownBeni Hezir tombTranscription Not Published View
8670Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaHebrew inscriptionunknownunknowntwo line inscription on tomb near tomb of the Judges, north of JerusalemTranscription Not Published View
8671Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaHebrew inscriptionunknownunknownsarcophagus of Queen Sara in the tombs of the Kings. Letters are very rude but closely approximate square type.Transcription Not Published View
8673Gaza, Merdan er Zeid, east of GazaEgyptian inscriptiondrawnunknowninitials and date are burnt with the smoke of a candle on the roof of the Siloam tunnel 240 feet from the southern end.Transcription Not Published View
7441Mt. Karkom 1, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
7442Mt. Karkom 1, Mt. KarkomlimestoneArabic inscriptionincisedpoor Transcription Not Published View