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Displaying 8041-8050 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
1017south door to crypt, Church of the NativityArmenian inscriptionincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
1529rock 2, Wadi HaggagsandstoneGreek inscriptionscratchedfair ΜAΞΙΜΟΣ / ΣΟΦΙA View
2041Wadi MukatabsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownfair בריכ View
2297Wadi MukatabsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownfair דכיר אשו בר חרי]שו די[ / ]מ[קתרי אשיבו בטב View
3065Wadi Ajaleh, Jebel SirbalgraniteNabatean inscriptionunknownfair שלמ פ... / שלמ אושו / בני פציו View
3321Jebel SirbalgraniteNabatean inscriptionunknownfair שלמ חנטלו בר נשנכיה / שלמ אל... View
4345pillar B3, Church of the Nativitycrosses alonescratchedfair Transcription Not Published View
6393St. Helena Chapel 5, Church of the Holy SepulchreArmenian inscriptionincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
6649Entrance 3, Church of the Holy SepulchreArabic inscriptionincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
7417Nahal Ovdat 2, Nahal OvdatlimestoneArabic inscriptionincisedfairlanguage uncertainTranscription Not Published View