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Displaying 361-370 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
928Wadi Haggagsandstonerock drawingincisedexcellentcamel with riderTranscription Not Published75 x 70 cm.View
1184pillar A4, Church of the NativityArabic inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published7 x 1 cm.View
4768north door to crypt, Church of the Nativitycrosses alonescratchedexcellentgroup of crossesTranscription Not Published8 x 11 cm.View
6816Entrance 5, Church of the Holy SepulchreLatin inscriptionscratchedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
8352Shivtalimestoneencircled crosseschiselledexcellentarchitectural ornament on lintelTranscription Not Published View
8608Nahal Karkom 2, Mt. Karkomlimestonerock drawingincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
4769north door to crypt, Church of the Nativitycrosses alonescratchedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
4770pillar D8, Church of the NativityArabic inscriptionscratchedexcellent Transcription Not Published15 x 3 cm.View
5794Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View
6306Wadi IslagraniteNabatean inscriptionincisedexcellent Transcription Not Published View