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Displaying 711-720 of 8678 results.
Inscription NumberSite NameMediumLanguage/TypeExecutionPreservationRemarksTranscriptionDimensions 
1812rock 3, Wadi HaggagsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedfair בריכ הניאו בר עבדאבעלי בטב View
2580Wadi MukatabsandstoneNabatean inscriptionunknownfair .... / גרמאלבעלי / עודו View
2836Wadi Ajaleh, Jebel SirbalgraniteNabatean inscriptionunknownfair עבידו בר / ]ע[מיו View
5140Wadi Umm SidrasandstoneNabatean inscriptionpunchedfair Transcription Not Published View
5652Wadi ShellalsandstoneNabatean inscriptionincisedfair Transcription Not Published View
6932Entrance 3, Church of the Holy SepulchreArabic inscriptionscratchedfair Transcription Not Published View
7188Wadi Lahyan, Jebel Serabitsandstonerock drawingincisedfairoutline of a human figureTranscription Not Published View
7700Wadi NasebgraniteNabatean inscriptionunknownfair שלמ גדיו בר אושו / ואושו ]ו[עבי]ד[ו ]בניה[ בטב View
8212Monastery of the Cross, Jerusalemcrosses alonescratchedfair Transcription Not Published View
789Bir Ramhan, Jebel Umm ShumergraniteGreek inscriptionscratchedfair Transcription Not Published View