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Displaying 121-130 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
317AA21GIPAlt, A.Die griechischen Inschriften der Palaestina Tertia westlichder 'Araba 0Berlin and LeipzigGruyter1921 GermanView
636OB88PFAOtzen, BenediktPetitionary Formulae in the Aramaic Inscriptions from HamaZeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft100BerlinGruyter1988233-243EnglishView
63CA69PEGCouret, A.La Palestine sous les empereurs grecs  ParisGrenobels1869 FrenchView
335KA29PNKammerer, A.Pètra et la Nabaténe 2/1/2011ParisGeuthner1929 FrenchView
375GE58KFIGose, E.Katalog der frühchristlichen Inschriften in Trier  BerlinGebr. Mann????1958 GermanView
537GR78SSSGiveon, R.The Stones of Sinai Speak  TokyoGakuseisha1978 EnglishView
647GH90KDGoldfus, HaimKhallat ed-Danabîyeh: a Desert MonasteryChristian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Collectio Maior 36 JerusalemFranciscan Printing Press1990227-244EnglishView
637MH88IJDMicheland H. and RaItinéraires à Jérusalem et descriptions de la Terre Sainte rédigés en français a  GenevaFick1988 FrenchView
370PHFM57OSPrescott, H.F.MOnce to Sinai 0LondonEyre and Spottiswoode1957 EnglishView
573PE80IEAPuech, E.Une inscription éthiopienne ancienne au Sinaï (Wadi Hajjaj)Revue Biblique87(4)JerusalemÉcole Biblique1980597-601FrenchView