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Displaying 141-150 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
350AYM39GLIAvi-Yonah, M.Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Jerusalem and BeisänThe Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine8  193954-61EnglishView
606JWJ84AMAJobling ,W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1982Archiv für Orientforschung29/30  1984264-270EnglishView
351HG39SPRHorsfield, G. and A.Sela-Petra, the Rock, of Edom and NabateneQuarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine8  193987-115EnglishView
97CGC82NMCClermont-Ganneau, C.Notes by M. Clermont-GanneauPEFQS   188218-EnglishView
353AYM40AGIAvi-Yonah, M.Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions (The near east, 200 B.C.-1100 A.D.)The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine9  1940????EnglishView
98MAM82JMantell, A. M.JerusalemPEFQS   1882120EnglishView
99CCR83ATMConder, C. R.Arab Tribe Marks (Ausam)PEF   1883178-180EnglishView
355MMA40SPMurray, M.A. and Ellis, J.C.A Street in Petra  LondonBritish School of Archaeology1940 EnglishView
611MDF84MIMecabe, D.F.Miletos Inscriptions-Texts and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1984 EnglishView
100CCR83MMConder, C. R.Masons' MarksPEF   1883130-133EnglishView