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Displaying 151-160 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
356KGE41NSDKirk, G. E.The Negev,or Southern Desert of PalestinePalestine Exploration Quarterly61  1941????EnglishView
612BM85ECSBroshi, M. and Barkay, G.Excavations in the Chapel of St. Vartan in the Holy SepulchreIsrael Exploration Journal35  1985108-28EnglishView
101CCR83SNHConder, Claude R.Supposed Nabatean and Himyaric Texts from MedebaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement15  1883184-189EnglishView
357AM46AOCAnastos, M.Alexandrian Origin of Christian Topography of Cosm????Dumbarton Oaks Papers3????????194673-80EnglishView
613NJ85WSSNaveh, J.Writings and Scripts in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Philistia. The New Evidence from Tell JemmehIsrael Exploration Journal35(1)  198521/8/2011EnglishView
102Z83GIJZagarelliThe Georgian Inscription at Jerusalem, deciphered by Prof. Zagarelli of St. Petersburg (from the Zeitschrift of the German Exploration Society)PEQ15  1883112-113EnglishView
359AYM49GHEAvi-Yonah, M.A Geographical History of Eretz Israel 0JerusalemBialik1949 EnglishView
616MDF85DITLMecabe, D.F.Didyma Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
361CKW52CMSClark, K.W.Checklist of Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery 0WashingtonLibrary of Congress1952 EnglishView
617MDF85KIMecabe, D.F.Kelophon Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView