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Displaying 151-160 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
190CBA98GAICook, B.A.A Glossary of the Aramaic Inscriptions  CambridgeCambridge University Press1898 EnglishView
191BFJ98EJBliss, F.J.Excavations at Jerusalem,1894-1897 0LondonThe Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund1898 EnglishView
192GP98IHSGeyer, P.Itinera Hierosolymitana saeculi  PragaeTempsky1898 FrenchView
193TY98CVATas+ean, Y.A Cursory View of Armenian Paleography 0Vienna 1898 EnglishView
194LM98HNELidzbarski, M.Handbuch der Nordsemitischen Epigraphik Nebst Ausgewählten Inschriften 2/1/2011WeimarE. Felber1898 GermanView
450GG70SLOGrester, G.Sinai, Land der Offenbarung 0Zurich 1970 GermanView
464WJ71ETWilkinson, J.Egeria's Travels  LondonS.P.C.K.1971 EnglishView
215KJ01HGKKarst, J.Historische Grammatik des Kilikisch Armenischen  BerlinK.J. Trübner1901 GermanView
471AH72DAPA√ar+yan, H.Dictionary of Armenian Proper Names 5/1/2011BeyrathSevan1972 ????View
216DRMF01Dussaud, R. and Macler, F.Voyage archéologique au Safâ et dans le Djebel ed-Drûz  ParisLeroux1901 FrenchView