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Displaying 191-200 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
75RE74NERenan, E.Notes EpigraphiquesJournal asiatique3  1874230-236FrenchView
357AM46AOCAnastos, M.Alexandrian Origin of Christian Topography of Cosm????Dumbarton Oaks Papers3????????194673-80EnglishView
143GDRP95Germer-Durand, R.P.Exploration épigraphique de GerasaRevue Biblique3  1895374-400FrenchView
147RR95LPFRohricht, R. (ed.)Liber Peregrinationis Fr. J. de VeronaRevue de l'orient latin3  1895227-228FrenchView
665CAQ??CAQ????Les Chateaux Arabes de Queseir `amra, Karanch et TMission Archéologique en Arabie3 La Société Francaise des Fouil  FrenchView
196CGC00INKClermont-Ganneau, C.L'inscription nabatéenne de KanathaRecueil d'archéologie orientale3  190075-82FrenchView
606JWJ84AMAJobling ,W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1982Archiv für Orientforschung29/30  1984264-270EnglishView
316VLH20FNMVincent, L.H.Le fragment nabatéen du musée de la DormitionRevue Biblique29(4)  1920576-579FrenchView
543CN79NTICohen, N.A Note on Two Inscriptions from Jebel MoneijahIsrael Exploration Journal29(3-4)  1979219-220EnglishView
548NJ79NITNaveh, J.A Nabatean Incantation TextIsrael Exploration Journal29(2)  1979111-19EnglishView