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Displaying 231-240 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
433RB68SCSRothenberg, B.A Survey in Central SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot24  196848-9HebrewView
214SJ01NOMStrzygowski, J.Das neuaufgefundene Orpheus-Mosaik in JerusalemZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins24  1901139-171GermanView
529GR78CDSGiveon, R.Corrected Drawings of the Sahuré and Sesostris I.Inscriptions from the Wadi KharBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research232  197876-78EnglishView
531MP78PECMayerson, P.Procopius or Eutychius on the Construction of the Monastery at Mount Sinai: WhicBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea230  197833-38EnglishView
650BJ91SSDBrinkley, J.Secrets of Sinai are Discovered, AgainInternational Herald Tribune23/5/91  1991 EnglishView
472AR73IASAmiran, R., Beit-Arieh, Y., Glass, J.The Interrelationship between Arad and Sites in Southern Sinai in the Early Bronze Age II (preliminary report)Israel Exploration Journal23(4)  1973193-97EnglishView
479NJ73WDWNaveh, J.Word Division in West Semitic WritingIsrael Exploration Journal23(4)  1973206-08EnglishView
482SM73AIESharon, M.Arabic Inscription from the Excavation at the Western WallIsrael Exploration Journal23 (4)  1973214-220EnglishView
280NT09GMBNöldeke, T.Der Gott MRA BYTA und die Ka`baZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete23  1909184-186GermanView
58GJ69ENGlidemeister, J.Epigraphische NachlesenZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft23  1869150-158GermanView