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Displaying 211-220 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
253JA07CSHJaussen, A.Cadran Solaire de HègrâComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres0  1907315FrenchView
73RE73DINRenan, E.Note sur Deux Inscriptions NabatéennesJournal asiatique1  1873313-323FrenchView
131WZKM91Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde der Morgenlandes    1891311-326GeorgianView
470RB72SERothenberg, B.Sinai Explorations (1967-1972)Museum Haaretz Bulletin14  197231-45EnglishView
513NA76DSNibbi, A.Death in the SinaiGöttinger Miszellen20  197631-36EnglishView
452GA71ARSGoren, A.Archeological Research in SinaiHadashot Archaeologiot38  197131-32HebrewView
624PE86ISPPuech, E.Une inscription syriaque palestinienneLiber Annus, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum36  1986309-316FrenchView
218CSA02GMCook, S.A.Graffiti from MashitaPEQ34  1902308-309EnglishView
122BG89MSBénédite, G.Mission au SinaîComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres4.17  1889308FrenchView
367VAA56NERVasiliev, A.A.Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the ByzantDumbarton Oaks Papers10/9/2011  1956306-316EnglishView