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Displaying 241-250 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
586NRJ81RWWNorth, J.R.Review of "The Way of the Wilderness:A Geographical Study of the wilderness itinBiblica62  1981283-284EnglishView
465CJD72MMVCooney, J.D.Major Macdonald - a Victorian RomanticJournal of Egyptian Archaeology58  1972280-285EnglishView
271HF09SAHommel, Fr.Zur Semitischen AltertumskundeFlorilegium Melchior de Vogüé   1909279-301GermanView
234JA4RMAJaussen, A. and Savignac, R.Rapport sur une mission archéologique au NégebComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres0  1904279FrenchView
641KKA89EWSKitchen, K.A.An Early West-Semitic Epigraph on a Scarab from Tell Abu Zureiq?Israel Exploration Journal39(3-4)  1989278-280EnglishView
187SRP98THSéjourné, R.P.A travers le HauranRevue Biblique7(2)  1898275-287FrenchView
629PJ87NGIPatrich, J. and Di Segni, L.New Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery of Theoctistus in the Judean DesertEretz Israel19JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1987272-281HebrewView
307LMJ16RIHLagrange, M.J.Remarques sur L'Inscription de HalasaRevue Biblique0  1916271FrenchView
260CJB08IHChabot, J.B.Inscription He, J.17Comptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres0  1908270FrenchView
383MP60AARMayerson, P.The Ancient Agricultural Remains of the Central Negeb:Methodology and Dating CriBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Resea160  196027-37EnglishView