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Displaying 251-260 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
264LM08IHLidzbarski, M.Inscription He, J.17Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete22  1908194FrenchView
57LMA68DNILevy, M.A.Drei nabathäische Inschriften aus dem Hauran zum ersten Male veröffentlicht undZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft22  1868261-270GermanView
430FGH68MSCForsyth, G.H.The Monastery of St.Catherine at Mt.Sinai: The Church and Fortress of JustinianDumbarton Oaks Papers22  196820/1/2011EnglishView
469LB72TNNLipschitz, B.Timnªa (Notes and News)Israel Exploration Journal22  1972158EnglishView
490GR74SRSGiveon, R.A Second Relief of Sekhemkhet in SinaiBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research216  197417-20EnglishView
451AY71KRIAharoni, Y.Khirbet Raddana and its InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal21  19717/1/2011EnglishView
462NA71NETNegev, A.A Nabatean Epitaph from Trans-JordanIsrael Exploration Journal211971 197150-52EnglishView
513NA76DSNibbi, A.Death in the SinaiGöttinger Miszellen20  197631-36EnglishView
614PE85IACPuech, E.Une inscription araméene sur un couvercle de sarcophageEretz Israel, Yigael Yadin Memorial Volume20 Israel Exploration Society1985161-165FrenchView
639AS88FTNAinger, S.Finds throw new light on Islamic historyThe University of Sydney News20SydneyUniversity News Service198829-30EnglishView