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Displaying 271-280 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
661SME??AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions in Southern Sinaipaper in typed manuscript form0    EnglishView
150BEW96AVJBrooks, E.W.An Armenian Visitor to Jerusalem in the Seventh CenturyThe English Historical Review11  189693-97EnglishView
406RB65EGRothenberg, B.Ecyon-GébérBible et Terre Sainte72  196516/10/2011FrenchView
151BNR96ADHBain, R.N.Armenian Description of the Holy Places in the Seventh CenturyPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement0  1896346-349EnglishView
407RB65HLRothenberg, B.Das heilige Land 97  1965 GermanView
663SME85FFAStone, M.E.Four Further Armenian Epigraphs from the SinaiJournal of the Society for Armenian Studies2  198573-83EnglishView
152CGC96NAOClermont-Ganneau, C.Notes d'archéologie orientaleRevue Archaeology   1896138-153,337-FrenchView
408SI65IÍev√enko, IInscriptions???????  196519-20EnglishView
664??NAP???Negev Archaeological Project--Early Arab Period. Content Analysis and archaeolo 0    EnglishView
153VM96CTIVogüé, M. deCommunication sur la traduction d'une inscriptionComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres24  1896421FrenchView