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Displaying 311-320 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
425RB67TSRothenberg, B.TAGLIOT SINAI 0  1967 HebrewView
426RLY67JTRahmani, L.Y.Jason's TombIsrael Exploration Journal17  196769-75, 92-93EnglishView
171BRP98EBSBosanquet, R.P.Excavations of the British School at MelosJournal of Hellenic Studies18.10000000000000142  189870EnglishView
427TRW67SCAThomson, R.W.A Seventh-Century Armenian Pilgrim on Mount TaborJournal of Theological Studies18  196727-33EnglishView
172CGC98ANKClermont-Ganneau, C.L'autel nabatéen de KanathaRecueil d'archéologie orientale2  1898108-116FrenchView
173CGC98GINClermont-Ganneau, C.La grande inscription nabatéenne de PètraRecueil d'archéologie orientale2  1898128-133FrenchView
174CGC98IGNClermont-Ganneau, C.Inscription gréco-nabatéenne de Medaba (Moabitide)Recueil d'archéologie orientale2  189814/12/2011FrenchView
430FGH68MSCForsyth, G.H.The Monastery of St.Catherine at Mt.Sinai: The Church and Fortress of JustinianDumbarton Oaks Papers22  196820/1/2011EnglishView
175CGC98INBClermont-Ganneau, C.L'inscription de Nebi Hâroûn et le <dharîh> funéraire des Nabatéens et des ArabeRecueil d'archéologie orientale2  1898362-366FrenchView
431LM68KSJLehmann, M.Das Katharinenkloster auf Sinai, Ein Juwel Byzantinischer KunstOrienus Christianus52  1968138-151GermanView