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Displaying 281-290 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
626NJ87UPINaveh, J.Unpublished Phoenician Inscriptions from PalestineIsrael Exploration Journal37(1)  198725-30EnglishView
87KFA80NJMKlein, F.A.Notes on a Journey to MoabPEQ12  1880249-255EnglishView
210CGC01TASClermont-Ganneau, C.Le trône et l'autel chez les SémitesRecueil d'archéologie orientale4  1901247-250FrenchView
497GR75TIRGiveon, R.Two Inscriptions of Ramsses IIIsrael Exploration Journal25  1975247-249EnglishView
577GA80NSSGoren, A.The Nawamis in Southern SinaiQadmoniot Sinai Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuhad1980243-264HebrewView
262JA08NIHJaussen, A. and Savignac, R.Nouvelles Inscriptions de HègraRevue Biblique5(2)  1908241-250FrenchView
592CR82NLDCohen, R.New Light on the Date of the Petra-Gaza RoadBiblical Archeologist??  1982240-246EnglishView
518GR77GTSGiveon, R.The God Thot in Sinai-a Decipheration of two InscriptionsNofim8  197724-26HebrewView
455LB71ATNLifshitz, B.Ancient Tombstones from Nothern SinaiAntiquities of Sinai2  197124-26HebrewView
625JWJ86AMAJobling, W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1983-1985Archiv für Orientforschung33GermanyBerger & Söhne1986233-247EnglishView