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Displaying 291-300 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
291AG13VNAnrich, G. (ed.)Vita NicolaiHagios Nikalaos0????????1913 GreekView
292BG13??Beer, G. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft47  1913561GermanView
293SRP13NVSSavignac, R.P.Notes de voyage de Suez au Sinaï et à PétraRevue Biblique22(3)  1913429-442FrenchView
294TO13MAETafrali, O.Mélanges d'archéologie et d'epigraphie byzantine 0  1913 FrenchView
295YG13APAYovse:p‘ian, G.The Art of Paleography among the Ancient Armenians 0 Vagharshapat1913 ArmenianView
296HMT13THoutsma, M.T., et aal-TihEncyclopaedia of Islam0Leiden????1913 EnglishView
297MB13EAMoritz, B.Écriture ArabeEncyclopédie de l'Islam0Leiden,ParisBrill1913387FrenchView
298YG13AWAYovse+pi`an, G.The Art of Writing among the Armenians 1Valas+apatS. Etchmiadzin1913 ArmenianView
299CA14NIKCowley, A.A Nabatean Inscription at KhalasaPalestine Exploration Fund and Annual0  1914145-147EnglishView
300DG14IPDalman, G.H.Zu den Inschriften aus PetraZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins37  1914145-150GermanView