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Displaying 291-300 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
145MAS95MAIMurray, A.S.The Mosaic with the Armenian Inscription from near the Damascus Gate, JerusalemPalestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement27  1895126-127EnglishView
401WK63MCSWeitzmann, K. and S+The Moses Cross at SinaiDumbarton Oaks Papers17  1963385-398EnglishView
657MZ??PSIMeshel, Z.Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsDrom Sinai0   174-177HebrewView
146OA95MAIOwsepian, A.Mosaik mit armenischer Inschrift im Norden JerusalemsZeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins18  189588-90GermanView
658NAD??MANock, A.D.MANDULIS AION 0   68EnglishView
147RR95LPFRohricht, R. (ed.)Liber Peregrinationis Fr. J. de VeronaRevue de l'orient latin3  1895227-228FrenchView
659OB??DHAOded, B.Darb el-Hawarneh - An Ancient Rouse 0   191-197EnglishView
148RW95ONIRudin, W.OM DE NABTEISKA INSKRIFTERNA 0Kyrkl: Tidskr 1895179-182PolishView
404MP64FMAMayerson, P.The First Muslim Attacks on Southern Palestine (A.D. 633-634) 45  1964155-199EnglishView
660SM??AISSharon, M.Arabic Inscriptions from Sde BokerArchaeological Survey of Israel (the Map of Easter0   87-9HebrewView