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Displaying 321-330 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
400NJ63OHINaveh, J.Old Hebrew Inscriptions in a Burial CaveIsrael Exploration Journal13  196374-92EnglishView
402NA63NIAONegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions from ‘Avdat (Oboda)Israel Exploration Journal13JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1963113-124EnglishView
159BJ97NGPBarch, J.Die Nabatäische Grabinschrift von PetraAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatu13  1897267-278GermanView
25N47VMSNewbold,Visit to Mt. Sinai Prefixed by a Brief Geological SThe Madras Journal of Literature and Science14  184747-73EnglishView
44LMA60UNILevy, M.A.Über die nabathäischen Inschriften von Petra, Hauran Vornehmlich der Sinai-HalbiZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft14  1860363-484GermanView
119VM86NQIVogüé, M. deNotes sur quelques intailes sémitiquesComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres14  1886187-191FrenchView
470RB72SERothenberg, B.Sinai Explorations (1967-1972)Museum Haaretz Bulletin14  197231-45EnglishView
388NA61AACNegev, A.Avdat, A Caravan Halt in the NegevArchaeology14(2)  1961122-130EnglishView
101CCR83SNHConder, Claude R.Supposed Nabatean and Himyaric Texts from MedebaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement15  1883184-189EnglishView
102Z83GIJZagarelliThe Georgian Inscription at Jerusalem, deciphered by Prof. Zagarelli of St. Petersburg (from the Zeitschrift of the German Exploration Society)PEQ15  1883112-113EnglishView