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Displaying 311-320 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
504BAP75EHGBar-Adon, P.An Early Hebrew Graffito in a Judaean Desert CaveEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society197577-80HebrewView
505HHZ75NJIHirshberg, H.Z.New Jewish Inscriptions in the Nabatean SphereEretz -Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975142-148HebrewView
506NA75IR5Negev, A.Inscriptions on Rock no. 5 in Wadi Haggag, SinaiEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975132-141HebrewView
507NJ 75TINNaveh, J.Thamudic Inscriptions from the NegevEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975129-131HebrewView
565BJR80RWWBartlett, J.R.Review of G.I. Davies. "The Way of the Wilderness: a geographical study of the wilderness itineraries in the Old Testament (SOTS mono. ser. 5). 1979.Palestine Exploration Quarterly12(2)  1980138-140EnglishView
457MZ70MRIMeshel, Z.The Meaning of the Rock Inscriptions and Drawings in South SinaiTeva ve-Aretz125  197161-67HebrewView
43LF59OCILenormant, FrancoisSur L'Origine Chrétienne des Inscriptions SinaïtiqueJournal asiatique13  18595-58,194-2FrenchView
336LE30MCRLoukianoff, E.Le musée du couvent Russe du Mont des Oliviers à JérusalemBulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte13  193097-101FrenchView
364LP55BALemerle, P.Bulletin Archeologique IV 1952-4Revue des Études Byzantines13  1955233FrenchView
116VM85SDVogüé, M. deLa stèle de Dhme+rComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres13  188545-52FrenchView