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Displaying 371-380 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
584NA81NGTNegev, A.Nabatean, Greek and Thamudic Inscriptions from the Wadi Haggag-Jebel Musa RoadIsrael Exploration Journal31(1-2)  198166-71EnglishView
73RE73DINRenan, E.Note sur Deux Inscriptions NabatéennesJournal asiatique1  1873313-323FrenchView
329CGC24NINClermont-Ganneau, C.Une nouvelle inscription nabatéenne datée du règne de Rabbel IIRecueil d'archéologie orientale8  1924257-268FrenchView
585NA81NNNegev, A.Les Nabateens au NegevLe Monde de la Bible19  198110/4/2011EnglishView
74RE73NINRenan, E.Une Nouvelle Inscription Nabatéenne trouvée å PJournal asiatique2  1873366-382FrenchView
586NRJ81RWWNorth, J.R.Review of "The Way of the Wilderness:A Geographical Study of the wilderness itinBiblica62  1981283-284EnglishView
75RE74NERenan, E.Notes EpigraphiquesJournal asiatique3  1874230-236FrenchView
331BV25MSABenes+evic+, V.Monumenta Sinaitica Archeologica et Paleographica 0  192551-52LatinView
587RAF81SMPRainey, A.F.Some Minor Points in Two Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsIsrael Exploration Journal31(1-2)  198192-94EnglishView
588SAGR81AESSchulman, A. and Gophna, R.An Archaic Egyptian Serekh from Tel Maªa˙azIsrael Exploration Journal31(3-4)  1981165-67EnglishView