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Displaying 391-400 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
339AYM33MPPAvi-Yonah, M.Mosaic Pavements in PalestineThe Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine2,3,4  1933136-181;26-EnglishView
595NJ82FAHNaveh, J.A Fragment of an Ancient Hebrew Inscription from the OphelIsrael Exploration Journal32(1)  1982195-198EnglishView
84KHH78NGKitchener, H. H.Note on GazaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1878199EnglishView
596RAM82EAPRosen-Ayalon, M., A. Ben Tor and Y. NevoThe Early Arab Period in the Negev 0 Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of1982 EnglishView
341FF34ARFrank, F.Aus der Araba I: ReiseberichteZeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins57(3,4)  1934191-280GermanView
597SB82NPSSass, B.Notes on some Proto-Sinaitic and Egyptian Inscriptions from SinaiScripta Hierosolymitana28  1982360-370EnglishView
598SME82AISStone, M.E.The Armenian inscriptions from the Sinai 0 Harvard University Press1982 EnglishView
87KFA80NJMKlein, F.A.Notes on a Journey to MoabPEQ12  1880249-255EnglishView
599SRM82TCTSigrist, R.M.Une tablette cunéiforme de Tell KeisanIsrael Exploration Journal32(1)  198232-35FrenchView
88WCW80MHWWilson, C. W.The Masonry of the Haram WallPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   188060EnglishView