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Displaying 411-420 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
399NA63NIANegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions from ªAvdat (Oboda) - IIBulletin of the Israel Exploration Society27  1963145-149, 152-57HebrewView
299CA14NIKCowley, A.A Nabatean Inscription at KhalasaPalestine Exploration Fund and Annual0  1914145-147EnglishView
326CGC24DGNClermont-Ganneau, C.La dédicace gréco-nabatéenne de MiletRecueil d'archéologie orientale8  1924144-146FrenchView
628TJE87DJBTaylor, J.E.A Graffito Depicting John The Baptist in Nazareth?Palestine Exploration Fund.119(2)  1987142-148EnglishView
505HHZ75NJIHirshberg, H.Z.New Jewish Inscriptions in the Nabatean SphereEretz -Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975142-148HebrewView
646DSLJP90Di Segni, L. and J. PatrichThe Greek Inscriptions in the Cave Chapel of Horvat Qasra (with English summary)`Atiqot10Jerusalem 1990141-154HebrewView
517AN77BIEAvigad, N.A Building Inscription of the Emperor Justinian and the Nea in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal27  1977140-51EnglishView
562MA79KDSMalamat, AbrahamThe Kingdom of David and Solomon and the First Treaty with EgyptBitzaron1New York 197914/7/2011HebrewView
384RB60CBRothenberg, B.Cadès BarnéBible et Terre Sainte32  196014/4/2011EnglishView
174CGC98IGNClermont-Ganneau, C.Inscription gréco-nabatéenne de Medaba (Moabitide)Recueil d'archéologie orientale2  189814/12/2011FrenchView