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Displaying 431-440 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
163HG97JPHill, G.A Journey to Petra, 1896Palestine Exploration Quarterly   1897134-144EnglishView
570MP80ANBMayerson, P.The Ammonius Narrative: Bedouin and Blemmye Attacks in SinaiThe Biblical World   1980133-148EnglishView
506NA75IR5Negev, A.Inscriptions on Rock no. 5 in Wadi Haggag, SinaiEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975132-141HebrewView
369WFV57TINWinnett, F.V.Thamudic Inscriptions from the Negev`Atiqot2  1957130-135HebrewView
100CCR83MMConder, C. R.Masons' MarksPEF   1883130-133EnglishView
645YA90NJAYardeni, A.New Jewish Aramaic OstracaIsrael Exploration Journal40(2-3)  1990130-132EnglishView
189VM98NEAVogüé, M. deNotes d'epigraphie araméenneJournal asiatique2  1898129-146FrenchView
495MZ74NDDMeshel, Z.New Data about the Desert KitesTel-Aviv1Tel Aviv 1974129-143EnglishView
392NA61NINegev, A.The Nabatean Inscriptions from ªAvdat (I-II)Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society25JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1961129-142HebrewView
372AY58TREAharoni, Y.Tamar and the Roads to ElathEretz Israel5  1958129-134HebrewView