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Displaying 431-440 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
495MZ74NDDMeshel, Z.New Data about the Desert KitesTel-Aviv1Tel Aviv 1974129-143EnglishView
491MZ74NRAMeshel, Z. and Tzafrir, Y.The Nabataean Road from Avdat to Sha'ar RamonPalestine Exploration Qauterly107(11) Midreshet Sde Boker19743-21,103-118HebrewView
500MZ75HSSMeshel, Z.The History of Southern Sinai. A booklet for tour 0 The Ministry of Tourism19758/1/2011HebrewView
579MZ80ASMeshel, Z. and Finkelstein I.Antiquities of Sinai  Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980 HebrewView
580MZ80WISMeshel, Z.Were the Inscriptions in Sinai Written by Nabatean?Antiquitie of Sinai0Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980379-383HebrewView
656MZ??AESMeshel, Z.The Ancient Egyptians in Southern SinaiDrom Sinai0   56-59HebrewView
657MZ??PSIMeshel, Z.Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsDrom Sinai0   174-177HebrewView
343MZE36SNSMezaius, Z.E.Sacred Names, Saints, Martyrs and Church Officiate iPapyrus Reclaiming to the Christian Chrch of Pales????0Athens????1936 EnglishView
25N47VMSNewbold,Visit to Mt. Sinai Prefixed by a Brief Geological SThe Madras Journal of Literature and Science14  184747-73EnglishView
5N77SHSNektariosSUMMARY OF HISTORY, SACRED AND PROFANE 0????????1677 EnglishView