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Displaying 471-480 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
507NJ 75TINNaveh, J.Thamudic Inscriptions from the NegevEretz Israel12JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1975129-131HebrewView
400NJ63OHINaveh, J.Old Hebrew Inscriptions in a Burial CaveIsrael Exploration Journal13  196374-92EnglishView
423NJ67DDANaveh, J.The Date of the Deir ªAllã Inscription in Aramaic ScriptIsrael Exploration Journal17  1967256-258EnglishView
448NJ70SNNaveh, J.Sinaitic NotesSefer Shmuel Yeivin JerusalemThe Institution for Research o1970371-374HebrewView
459NJ71NIONaveh, J.New Inscriptions on Ossuaries from Northern JerusalemEretz Israel10  1971188-190EnglishView
479NJ73WDWNaveh, J.Word Division in West Semitic WritingIsrael Exploration Journal23(4)  1973206-08EnglishView
548NJ79NITNaveh, J.A Nabatean Incantation TextIsrael Exploration Journal29(2)  1979111-19EnglishView
595NJ82FAHNaveh, J.A Fragment of an Ancient Hebrew Inscription from the OphelIsrael Exploration Journal32(1)  1982195-198EnglishView
613NJ85WSSNaveh, J.Writings and Scripts in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Philistia. The New Evidence from Tell JemmehIsrael Exploration Journal35(1)  198521/8/2011EnglishView
626NJ87UPINaveh, J.Unpublished Phoenician Inscriptions from PalestineIsrael Exploration Journal37(1)  198725-30EnglishView