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Displaying 461-470 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
240GDRP04Germer-Durand, R.P.Rapport sur L'exploration Archéologique en 1903 de la voie romaine entre Ammân eBulletin Archéologique du Comité des Travaux Historiques Paris 190441FrenchView
496GR75LREGiveon, R.A Late Ramesside Epithet of ThotGottinger Miszellen17  197523-25EnglishView
497GR75TIRGiveon, R.Two Inscriptions of Ramsses IIIsrael Exploration Journal25  1975247-249EnglishView
242BRE04Brunnow, R.E. and V Die Provincia Arabia1Strasbourg 1904 GermanView
498GRGA75EREGiveon, R. and A. GorenEgyptian Relief from the Early Kingdom in SouthernKadmoniot7  197598-101EnglishView
243CGC05INOClermont-Ganneau, C.Inscription nabatéenne d'Oumme QotainRecueil d'archéologie orientale6  1905113-114FrenchView
499MP75ONNMayerson, P.Observation on the Nilus Narrationes,Evidence for an Unknown Christian sect?Journal of the American Research Center in Aegypt12  197551-74EnglishView
244CGC05NINClermont-Ganneau, C.Une nouvelle inscription nabatéenne de BostraJournal Asiatique   1905363-367FrenchView
245SGA05RRKSmith, G.A.The Roman Road between Kerak and MadebaPEQ37  190539-48EnglishView
501RAF75NPSRainey, A.F.Notes on Some Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsIsrael Exploration Journal25(1)  1975106-116EnglishView