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Displaying 471-480 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
502SGB75FRISarfatti, G.B.A Fragmentary Roman Inscription in the Turkish Wall of JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal25  197551EnglishView
249CGC06ENMClermont-Ganneau, C.Un épitrophe nabatéen à MiletRecueil d'archéologie orientale7  1906305-329FrenchView
252AFM07NACAbel, F.-M.Notes d'archéologie chrétienne sur le SinaïRevue Biblique4  1907105-112FrenchView
508GA76NGoren, A.The Nawamis (1973)Hadashot Archaeologiot47  197630HebrewView
253JA07CSHJaussen, A.Cadran Solaire de HègrâComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres0  1907315FrenchView
509GA76WJGoren, A. and Zas, BWadi JibalHadashot Archaeologiot57  197646-47HebrewView
254TC07IHPTorrey, C.An Inscription from the High-Place of the Goddess aJournal of the American Oriental Society28  1907349-351EnglishView
510GMNME76Goring-Morriss, N. and Mintz, E.Surveys in Southern SinaiIsrael Exploration Journal26  1976137-138EnglishView
511GR76TCNGiveon, R.Two Critical Notes concerning SinaiGottingen Miszellen20  197623-25EnglishView
676TPAPA  Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association951964155-199 1ReferenceView