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Displaying 481-490 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
330CMP24TRCCharlesworth, M.P.Trade-Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire 0CambridgeCambridge University Press1924 EnglishView
331BV25MSABenes+evic+, V.Monumenta Sinaitica Archeologica et Paleographica 0  192551-52LatinView
76HJ74MEAHalévy, J.Mélanges d'epigraphie et d'archéologiqie sémitique 0ParisImprimerie Nationale1874 FrenchView
77SS75HIVSharpe, S.Hebrew Inscriptions from the valleys between Egypt and Mount Sinai,in their orig 0LondonJ.R. Smith1875 EnglishView
78WW75PSFWright, W. (ed.)Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of Manuscripts 0London 1875 EnglishView
590TCC81SDCTaylor, C.C.Secrets of a dark Cover-upSCIENCE YEAR-WORLD BOOK0  1981 EnglishView
591AU81NENAvner, U.New Evidence for the Nabatean Presence in SouthernEighth Archaeological Congress in Israel0Jerusalem 198127EnglishView
81WWH77SCIWaddington, W.H., anSyrie centrale, inscriptions sémitiques 0Paris 1877 FrenchView
338CJ30NCantineau, J.Le Nabatéen 0ParisLeroux1930 FrenchView
596RAM82EAPRosen-Ayalon, M., A. Ben Tor and Y. NevoThe Early Arab Period in the Negev 0 Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of1982 EnglishView