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Displaying 501-510 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
6PR43DESPococke, R.A description of the East and some other countries 3/1/2011LondonBowyer1743 EnglishView
21RE41BRPRobinson, E.Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai And Arabia Petra 3/1/2011LondonMurray1841 EnglishView
64WCW69OSPWilson, C.W., and Phlmer, H.S.Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai 3/1/2011SouthhamptonOrdnance Survey Office1869 EnglishView
376KCJ58ENNKraemer, Jr., C. J.Excavations at Nessana:Non Literary Papyri 3/1/2011Princeton 1958 EnglishView
385TVA60CPJTcherikover, V.A., et alCorpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 3/1/2011CambridgeHarvard University Press1960 EnglishView
516MP76IMSMayerson, P.An Inscription in the Monastery of St. Catherine and the Martyr Tradition in SinDumbarton Oaks Papers30Washington, DC 1976375-379EnglishView
434CC68SBCraviotti, C.El Sinai BiblicoRevista Biblica30Buenos Aires 1968????SpanishView
185HCA98VKPHornstein, C.A.A visit to Kerak and PetraPalestine Exploration Quarterly30  189894-103EnglishView
567FR80TCBFrankel, R.Three Crusader Boundary Stones from Kibbutz ShomratIsrael Exploration Journal30(3-4)  1980199-201EnglishView
569KJ80SACKaplan, J.A Samaritan Amulet from CorinthIsrael Exploration Journal30(3-4)  1980196-98EnglishView