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Displaying 471-480 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
460RB71SAERothenberg, B.The Sinai Archaeological Expedition (1967-1970)Ariel28  197159-64EnglishView
461TY71MMSTsafrir, Y.Monasticism at Mount SinaiAriel28  197165-78EnglishView
254TC07IHPTorrey, C.An Inscription from the High-Place of the Goddess aJournal of the American Oriental Society28  1907349-351EnglishView
534TY78SCMTsafrir, Y.St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai: Drawings by I. DunayevskyIsrael Exploration Journal28(4)  1978218-229EnglishView
267TC08NCHTorrey, C.A New Copy of the High-Place Inscription in PetraJournal of the American Oriental Society29  1908197-202EnglishView
539BAI79SSBeit-Arie, I.Sinai Survey (1978-1979)Israel Exploration Journal29  1979256-257EnglishView
205CGC01ISSClermont-Ganneau, C.Les inscriptions sémitiques du SinaîComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres29  1901206FrenchView
541CFM79RPPCross, F. M.A Recently Published Phoenician Inscription of the Persian Period from ByblosIsrael Exploration Journal29(1)  197940-44EnglishView
548NJ79NITNaveh, J.A Nabatean Incantation TextIsrael Exploration Journal29(2)  1979111-19EnglishView
543CN79NTICohen, N.A Note on Two Inscriptions from Jebel MoneijahIsrael Exploration Journal29(3-4)  1979219-220EnglishView