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Displaying 511-520 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
619MDF85LITLMecabe, D.F.Lepsia Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
620MDF85NIMecabe, D.F.Notion Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
621MDF85PIMecabe, D.F.Patmos Inscription-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
622MDF85TITLMecabe, D.F.Teos Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
367VAA56NERVasiliev, A.A.Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the ByzantDumbarton Oaks Papers10/9/2011  1956306-316EnglishView
623NA86OGNegev, A., Naveh, J., Shaked, S.Obadas the GodIsrael Exploration Journal36(1-2)  198656-60EnglishView
368JA57Jem, A. Antiquities of Sinai2  195734-35EnglishView
625JWJ86AMAJobling, W.J.The ªAqaba-Maªan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1983-1985Archiv für Orientforschung33GermanyBerger & Söhne1986233-247EnglishView
114NA85SNDNeubauer, A.On Some newly-discovered Temanite and Nabataean InscriptionsStudia Biblica1  1885209-232EnglishView
370PHFM57OSPrescott, H.F.MOnce to Sinai 0LondonEyre and Spottiswoode1957 EnglishView