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Displaying 501-510 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
612BM85ECSBroshi, M. and Barkay, G.Excavations in the Chapel of St. Vartan in the Holy SepulchreIsrael Exploration Journal35  1985108-28EnglishView
101CCR83SNHConder, Claude R.Supposed Nabatean and Himyaric Texts from MedebaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement15  1883184-189EnglishView
357AM46AOCAnastos, M.Alexandrian Origin of Christian Topography of Cosm????Dumbarton Oaks Papers3????????194673-80EnglishView
613NJ85WSSNaveh, J.Writings and Scripts in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Philistia. The New Evidence from Tell JemmehIsrael Exploration Journal35(1)  198521/8/2011EnglishView
102Z83GIJZagarelliThe Georgian Inscription at Jerusalem, deciphered by Prof. Zagarelli of St. Petersburg (from the Zeitschrift of the German Exploration Society)PEQ15  1883112-113EnglishView
359AYM49GHEAvi-Yonah, M.A Geographical History of Eretz Israel 0JerusalemBialik1949 EnglishView
616MDF85DITLMecabe, D.F.Didyma Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
361CKW52CMSClark, K.W.Checklist of Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery 0WashingtonLibrary of Congress1952 EnglishView
617MDF85KIMecabe, D.F.Kelophon Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView
618MDF85LIMecabe, D.F.Leros Inscriptions-Text and List 0PrincetonThe Institute for Advanced Studies1985 EnglishView