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Displaying 601-610 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
660SM??AISSharon, M.Arabic Inscriptions from Sde BokerArchaeological Survey of Israel (the Map of Easter0   87-9HebrewView
482SM73AIESharon, M.Arabic Inscription from the Excavation at the Western WallIsrael Exploration Journal23 (4)  1973214-220EnglishView
99CCR83ATMConder, C. R.Arab Tribe Marks (Ausam)PEF   1883178-180EnglishView
579MZ80ASMeshel, Z. and Finkelstein I.Antiquities of Sinai  Tel-AvivHakibbutz Hameuchad1980 HebrewView
455LB71ATNLifshitz, B.Ancient Tombstones from Nothern SinaiAntiquities of Sinai2  197124-26HebrewView
521NA77AESNibbi, A.Ancient Egyptians in the SinaiPalestine Exploration Quarterly109(2)  1977125-128EnglishView
395LA62AEMLucas, A. and Harris, J.R.Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries  LondonE.Arnold1962 EnglishView
643AU90AASAvner, UziAncient Agricultural Settlement and Religion in the Uvda Valley in Southern IsraelBiblical ArchaeologistSept.  1990125-141EnglishView
440SAK69AVLSanjian, A.K.Anastas Vardapets List of Armenian Monasteries in Seventh Century Jerusalem: A CLe Muséon82  1969265-292EnglishView
347MB38OCIMaizler, B.An old Canaanite inscription from ShekhemBulletin of the Israel Exploration Society6 (1)  193842-43HebrewView