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Displaying 611-620 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
609SU84RPSSüssenbach, U.Renate Pillinger, Studien zu römischen ZwischengoldgläsernByzantinische Zeitschrift77  1984321-322GermanView
268SL08PSSzgzepanski, L.NACH PETREA ZUM SINAI 0InnsbruckRauch1908 GermanView
294TO13MAETafrali, O.Mélanges d'archéologie et d'epigraphie byzantine 0  1913 FrenchView
193TY98CVATas+ean, Y.A Cursory View of Armenian Paleography 0Vienna 1898 EnglishView
590TCC81SDCTaylor, C.C.Secrets of a dark Cover-upSCIENCE YEAR-WORLD BOOK0  1981 EnglishView
628TJE87DJBTaylor, J.E.A Graffito Depicting John The Baptist in Nazareth?Palestine Exploration Fund.119(2)  1987142-148EnglishView
385TVA60CPJTcherikover, V.A., et alCorpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 3/1/2011CambridgeHarvard University Press1960 EnglishView
427TRW67SCAThomson, R.W.A Seventh-Century Armenian Pilgrim on Mount TaborJournal of Theological Studies18  196727-33EnglishView
85TT79IHDTobler, T., and Molinier,A.Itinera Hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae bellis sacris anteriora  Genevae 1879 LatinView
267TC08NCHTorrey, C.A New Copy of the High-Place Inscription in PetraJournal of the American Oriental Society29  1908197-202EnglishView