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Displaying 611-620 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
272HJ09IFHHalévy, J.Une inscription funéraire de HègraRevue sémitique17  190966FrenchView
261HJ08IFHHalévy, J.Une inscription funéraire de HègraRevue sémitique16  190866-69FrenchView
584NA81NGTNegev, A.Nabatean, Greek and Thamudic Inscriptions from the Wadi Haggag-Jebel Musa RoadIsrael Exploration Journal31(1-2)  198166-71EnglishView
314MWJ19GAEMoulton, W.J.Gleanings in Archaeology and EpigraphyAnnual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem1Jerusalem 191966-92EnglishView
658NAD??MANock, A.D.MANDULIS AION 0   68EnglishView
426RLY67JTRahmani, L.Y.Jason's TombIsrael Exploration Journal17  196769-75, 92-93EnglishView
411AY66HOTAharoni, Y.Hebrew Ostraca from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16  19667/1/2011EnglishView
165NT97GIPNöldeke, T.Die grosse Inschrift von PetraZeitschrift für Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete12  18977/1/2011GermanView
451AY71KRIAharoni, Y.Khirbet Raddana and its InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal21  19717/1/2011EnglishView
90SAC81IPSSayce, A. C.The Inscription at the Pool of SiloamPEFQS   188170EnglishView