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Displaying 631-640 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
151BNR96ADHBain, R.N.Armenian Description of the Holy Places in the Seventh CenturyPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement0  1896346-349EnglishView
471AH72DAPA√ar+yan, H.Dictionary of Armenian Proper Names 5/1/2011BeyrathSevan1972 ????View
643AU90AASAvner, UziAncient Agricultural Settlement and Religion in the Uvda Valley in Southern IsraelBiblical ArchaeologistSept.  1990125-141EnglishView
591AU81NENAvner, U.New Evidence for the Nabatean Presence in SouthernEighth Archaeological Congress in Israel0Jerusalem 198127EnglishView
517AN77BIEAvigad, N.A Building Inscription of the Emperor Justinian and the Nea in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal27  1977140-51EnglishView
419AN67AITAvigad, N.Aramaic Inscriptions in the Tomb of JasonIsrael Exploration Journal17  1967101-111EnglishView
381AYM60CNEAvi-Yonah, M. and NeCity of the Negeb: Excav. in Nabatean, Roman and BIllustrated London News0 London1960944EnglishView
339AYM33MPPAvi-Yonah, M.Mosaic Pavements in PalestineThe Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine2,3,4  1933136-181;26-EnglishView
350AYM39GLIAvi-Yonah, M.Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Jerusalem and BeisänThe Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine8  193954-61EnglishView
353AYM40AGIAvi-Yonah, M.Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions (The near east, 200 B.C.-1100 A.D.)The Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine9  1940????EnglishView