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Displaying 651-660 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
535AZN78AIAAleksidze, Z.N.Armenian Inscriptions of the Ateni Sioni 0TbilisiMetsniereba1978 GeorgianView
387AWF61AHNAlbright, W.F.Abram the Hebrew: A New Archaeological IntepretationBulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research163  196136-54EnglishView
415AWF66PSIAlbright, W.F.The Proto Sinaitic inscriptions and their decipherment 0CambridgeCambridge University Press1966 EnglishView
639AS88FTNAinger, S.Finds throw new light on Islamic historyThe University of Sydney News20SydneyUniversity News Service198829-30EnglishView
380AY60ADAAharoni, Y.,Evenari, M. Shanan, L. and Tadmor, N.H.The Ancient Desert Agriculture of the NegevIsrael Exploration Journal10  196023-36EnglishView
362AY53RRAAharoni, Y.The Roman road to Aila (Elath)Eretz Israel2  1953113-116HebrewView
371AY58NJAharoni, Y.The Negeb of JudahIsrael Exploration Journal8  195826-38EnglishView
372AY58TREAharoni, Y.Tamar and the Roads to ElathEretz Israel5  1958129-134HebrewView
411AY66HOTAharoni, Y.Hebrew Ostraca from Tel AradIsrael Exploration Journal16  19667/1/2011EnglishView
451AY71KRIAharoni, Y.Khirbet Raddana and its InscriptionIsrael Exploration Journal21  19717/1/2011EnglishView