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Displaying 21-30 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
555WG79BRRWalser, G.Battlefields and Roads; from the Romano-ByzantineSinai0 Berne, Ku+mmerly and Frey1979 EnglishView
369WFV57TINWinnett, F.V.Thamudic Inscriptions from the Negev`Atiqot2  1957130-135HebrewView
88WCW80MHWWilson, C. W.The Masonry of the Haram WallPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   188060EnglishView
64WCW69OSPWilson, C.W., and Phlmer, H.S.Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai 3/1/2011SouthhamptonOrdnance Survey Office1869 EnglishView
304WCL14WZWoolley, C.L., and Lawrence, T.E.The Wilderness of ZinPalestine Exploration Fund Annual3LondonPalestine Exploration Fund1914 EnglishView
302WCL14DWWoolley, C.L.The Desert of the Wanderings, Report of the Survey by the Palestinian Exploration FundPEQ46  191458-66EnglishView
396WCB62ENWelles, C.B.Excavations at Nessana  London 1962 EnglishView
349WCB38GCDWelles, C.B.Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, C.H. Kraeling (ed.) 0New Haven 1938 EnglishView
62WC69VDSWarren, CharlesA Visit to the Dead SeaPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement   1869147-48EnglishView
61WC69RPWWarren, CharlesReports on Progress of Works at Jerusalem and Elsewhere in the Holy LandPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement1  1869 EnglishView