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Displaying 71-80 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
405STS64PPCSkeat, T.S.Papyri from Panopolis in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin 0DublinHodges, Figgis1964 EnglishView
77SS75HIVSharpe, S.Hebrew Inscriptions from the valleys between Egypt and Mount Sinai,in their orig 0LondonJ.R. Smith1875 EnglishView
266SS08KSchiwietz, S.DER KATHOLIK438  190830/9/2011GermanView
187SRP98THSéjourné, R.P.A travers le HauranRevue Biblique7(2)  1898275-287FrenchView
293SRP13NVSSavignac, R.P.Notes de voyage de Suez au Sinaï et à PétraRevue Biblique22(3)  1913429-442FrenchView
238SRP04INHSavignac, R.P.Inscriptions nabatéennes du HauranRevue Biblique0  1904577-584EnglishView
599SRM82TCTSigrist, R.M.Une tablette cunéiforme de Tell KeisanIsrael Exploration Journal32(1)  198232-35FrenchView
108SP84ESSchroeder, P.Epigraphisches aus SyrienZeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft38  1884530-534FrenchView
79SO76NDASeeck, O. (ed.)Notitia dignitatum accedunt notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et Laterculi Prou  Berolini 1876 Latin ?View
661SME??AISStone, M.E.Armenian Inscriptions in Southern Sinaipaper in typed manuscript form0    EnglishView