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Displaying 621-630 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
256BGL07SDSBell, G.L.Syria: the desert and the sown 0LondonWilliam Heinemann1907 EnglishView
122BG89MSBénédite, G.Mission au SinaîComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres4.17  1889308FrenchView
292BG13??Beer, G. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft47  1913561GermanView
191BFJ98EJBliss, F.J.Excavations at Jerusalem,1894-1897 0LondonThe Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund1898 EnglishView
150BEW96AVJBrooks, E.W.An Armenian Visitor to Jerusalem in the Seventh CenturyThe English Historical Review11  189693-97EnglishView
20BEFF40IVLBeer, E.F.F.Inscriptiones veteres litteriset lingua hucusque incognitis ad montem Sinai magn???? 0LeipzigBarth1840 Latin??View
486BD80BIEBRG????, D.The boundary between Israel and Egypt in an inscription from the year 233 CEQadmoniot25/6  197443-44HebrewView
1BC35SBaly, C.S#BAITAPalestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement0   172-173EnglishView
334BC28NISBourdon, C.Note sur l'isthme de SuezRevue Biblique37/2  1928232-256FrenchView
556BB79-3GTWBernstein, B.A Great and Terrible Wilderness - III (Sinai)The New Yorker 39-89Viking Press1979268EnglishView