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Displaying 621-630 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
64WCW69OSPWilson, C.W., and Phlmer, H.S.Ordnance Survey of the Peninsula of Sinai 3/1/2011SouthhamptonOrdnance Survey Office1869 EnglishView
441HH69AOHübschmann, H.DIE ALTRAMENISCHEN ORTSNAMEN???? 0AmsterdamOriental; repr.????1969 GermanView
649MH90NISMétrévéli, HélèneLes normes pour l'installation d'un sup∑érieur au monastère des Ibères au Mont Athos (Xe-XIe siècles)Ägypten und Altes Testament. Kultur und Religion Ägyptens und des Alten Testaments20WiesbadenOtto Harrassowitz1990211-219FrenchView
417CDJ66DCChitty, D.J.The Desert: A City 0LondonOxford1966 EnglishView
393DCJF61HCADowsett, C.J.F.The History of the Caucasian Albanians by Movsès DasxurançiLondon Oriental Series8LondonOxford University Press1961 EnglishView
304WCL14WZWoolley, C.L., and Lawrence, T.E.The Wilderness of ZinPalestine Exploration Fund Annual3LondonPalestine Exploration Fund1914 EnglishView
138SHA93WFFStewart, H.A. (ed.)The Wanderings of Felix Fabri 0LondonPalestine Pilgrim Text Society1893 EnglishView
631DSLYH87Di Segni, L. and Y. HirschfeldFour Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery at Khirbet Ed-Deir in the Judean DeseOrientalia Christiana Periodica53RomePontifical Institute for Orien1987365-385EnglishView
344FJB36CIJFrey, J.B.Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum 2/1/2011RomaPontifico istituto di archeolo????1936 LatinView
268SL08PSSzgzepanski, L.NACH PETREA ZUM SINAI 0InnsbruckRauch1908 GermanView