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Displaying 311-320 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
585NA81NNNegev, A.Les Nabateens au NegevLe Monde de la Bible19  198110/4/2011EnglishView
342RHL35MSCRabino, H.L.Le monastère de sainte-CatherineBulletin de la société royale de géographie d'egyp19Cairo 193578-100,106FrenchView
629PJ87NGIPatrich, J. and Di Segni, L.New Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery of Theoctistus in the Judean DesertEretz Israel19JerusalemIsrael Exploration Society1987272-281HebrewView
421LBA69NHOLevine, B.A.Notes on a Hebrew Ostracon from AradIsrael Exploration Journal19  196749-51EnglishView
436DML69INSDiez Merino, L.Las Inscriptiones Nabateas del SinaiLiber Annuus - Studii Biblici Franciscani19  1969264-305SpanishView
437DML69OSADiez Merino, L.Origen de los signos que acompañan a las inscriptiones nabateas del SinaiLiber Annuus - Studii Biblici Franciscani19  1969264-304SpanishView
438FDN69OAOFreedman, D.N.The Orthography of the Arad OstracaIsrael Exploration Journal19  196952-56EnglishView
443SME69MLAStone, M.E.The Manuscript Library of the Armenian Patriarchate in JerusalemIsrael Exploration Journal19JerusalemSt. James Press196920-43EnglishView
171BRP98EBSBosanquet, R.P.Excavations of the British School at MelosJournal of Hellenic Studies18.10000000000000142  189870EnglishView
46LF61DMILenormant, FrancoisDeux Mots sur les Inscriptions du SinaîJournal asiatique18  1861263-270FrenchView