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Displaying 571-580 of 678 results.
BibliographyCodeAuthorTitleJournalIssuePlace PublishedPublisherPublish DatePagesLanguage 
17GGF30IWMGrey, G.F.Inscriptions from the Waady El Muketteb, or the Written ValleyTransactions of the Royal Society of Literature   1830147
18LML30JAPLaborde, M.L. deJourney through Arabia Petraea to Mount Sinai and the Excavated City of Petra  London????1830 EnglishView
19BJL31NBWBurckhardt, J.L.Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys  LondonH.Colburn and R.Bentley1831 EnglishView
275LE09NGLittmann, E.Nabatäisch-GriechischeFlorilegium Melchior de Vogüé   1909375-390GermanView
532NA78NISNegev, A.Nabatean Inscriptions in Southern SinaiTen Years for Researches about Sinai  Tel-Aviv University197814-117HebrewView
279LMJ09SLLagrange, M.J.Un Sanctuaire lihyaniteComptes rendus de l'académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres   1909457-463FrenchView
281JA09HMSJaussen, A. and Savignac, R.Mission Archéologique en Arabie de Jérusalem au Hedjaz Médain-Saleh  Paris????1909 FrenchView
537GR78SSSGiveon, R.The Stones of Sinai Speak  TokyoGakuseisha1978 EnglishView
282JA09MAAJaussen, A. and Savignac, R.Mission archéologique en Arabie. (Mars-Mai 1907)  ParisLeroux1909 FrenchView
284MO10ECMarucchi, O.Epigrafia cristiana  CambridgeCambridge University Press1910 EnglishView